Panna Cotta aux Framboises

Dive into the elegant simplicity of an Italian dessert that combines the creamy indulgence of traditional panna cotta with the vibrant, tangy burst of fresh raspberries. Panna cotta, meaning ‘cooked cream’ in Italian, is celebrated for its silky texture and versatility. When paired with the bold flavor of raspberries, it transforms into a dessert that not only tantalizes the taste buds but also enchants the eyes with its stunning presentation.

The beauty of panna cotta lies in its simplicity. The base requires just a handful of ingredients—cream, sugar, vanilla, and gelatin—yet offers a canvas that blends beautifully with the tartness of raspberries. This recipe introduces a delightful contrast between the rich, velvety cream and the freshness of the berries, making each spoonful a harmonious blend of flavors.

Preparing panna cotta is akin to performing a gentle ballet in the kitchen. The process involves a delicate balance of heating the cream to just the right temperature and skillfully mixing in the gelatin to achieve the perfect set. Although the steps are straightforward, the key lies in the details—the exact simmer, the thorough mixing, and the patient setting—each contributing to the final exquisite texture.

As we embark on creating this panna cotta with raspberry coulis, imagine the joy and satisfaction of unveiling this elegant dessert to your guests or family. The anticipation of the first bite, the creamy texture against the bright, juicy raspberries, and the subtle sweetness balanced by a hint of citrus from the coulis, all come together to create more than just a dessert—it’s an experience, a small celebration of culinary artistry crafted with love and patience.


Pour la panna cotta :

  • 500 ml de crème liquide entière : pour une texture riche et onctueuse.
  • 100 g de sucre en poudre : apporte la douceur nécessaire sans éclipser les autres saveurs.
  • 2 cuillères à café d’extrait de vanille : pour une note aromatique profonde et enveloppante.
  • 4 feuilles de gélatine : elles assurent la tenue parfaite de la panna cotta.
  • 200 g de framboises fraîches : utilisées ici pour leur fraîcheur et leur couleur vibrante, elles ajoutent une note acidulée.

Pour le coulis de framboises :

  • 100 g de framboises (fraîches ou surgelées) : le cœur de notre coulis, offrant éclat et fraîcheur.
  • 50 g de sucre en poudre : modère l’acidité des framboises pour un équilibre parfait.
  • Jus d’un demi-citron : accentue la fraîcheur du coulis et ajoute une dimension supplémentaire de goût.

Méthode de Préparation

La suite en deuxième page

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